
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Slacking and Soccer

Hi all.  It has been pretty calm here on the home front over the last few weeks.  I thought I would go ahead and give you an update since I feel this insatiable need to say SOMETHING.

We got our first foster care placement call yesterday but it wasn't a good fit.  It was for a 6 year old boy who has several diagnoses.  It would be a disaster for him to land at this address.  It was still hard to say no.  It did hit me today when I walked into the spare/baby room that we are NOT ready.  We don't even have a mattress people.  PANIC.  Someone, who shall remain nameless, didn't like the one I bought last week.  As if I had time to do research whilst shopping with a 1 and 2 year old.  Pshhhh.  I have no idea why I thought it was a good idea to buy one that day.  I get in a mood to get things done every once in a while.  Two toddlers in tow with a cart full of groceries?  Whatever, I'm doing this.  The next day I can't even get a load of laundry done because it's just TOO MUCH.  Anyone else?  No?  Anyway, I forgot about the mattress, the room, and everything in it after that day.  And then I walked into this a while ago.  

The picture doesn't do it justice, but this room has become a catch all for toys and I have cleared out exactly zero closet or drawer space for another child.  I called Jeff and declared a state of emergency.  We have to get this in order before we get another call.  I don't want to think about choking hazards, a mattress, closet space, or clearing a path just to get to the bed on the day another small child comes to live with us.  This weekend is go time.  

I also have a kid who just finished playing his first sport and will have one year of school under his belt in a few short weeks.  My baby boy.

You guys, this makes me so happy and sad all at the same time.  I know you get why.  I have more vivid memories of Micah's babyhood because he was the only one around.  I savored it.  He pulls at my sentimental heart strings to the max.  He also has the special ability to make me mad faster than the other two, but the one helps balance out the other.  He is still young, but I already love who he is becoming.  He may turn out more like his dad than I originally thought.  The world will be the better for it too.  In reflection over his soccer season I would say I have two observations.  1) I am still competitive and will be clasping my hand over my mouth A LOT in the years to come.  He is only six and playing a sport I know almost nothing about but I still want to shout helpful phrases like..."Turn it!"  "Kick it Micah!  "You don't have to take turns right now!"  "Pay attention!" Once he looked at me when I told him to hustle and just shook his head no.  Oh my goodness. :)  He doesn't have the fire in his eye...yet.  Jeff's genetics seem to be winning at the moment (why is everything about winning?) but I'm holding out hope for basketball.   2) He ended up scoring 2 goals in the last 2 games!!!  You might guess that to be the highlight of his season, but getting a medal and hanging out with his friends actually seemed to be the best part.  I will  leave you with the proof. 
Where's the game?  Who cares.  Do you love how they have the whole bench but are RIGHT next to each other?  They will be too cool to sit that close to someone in a few years, but I love how they don't care right now.
Micah's friend is pretty reserved and doesn't walk around grinning from ear to ear, but Micah just brings out the silly in him. I asked him what he says to get him to smile or laugh so much.  Micah said, "I tell him jokes!"  Of course. :)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck keeping that hand over your mouth! Especially when the basketball time comes! Although it is hard to imagine, this is definitely something I struggle with.
