I know reflection is important. Writing things down is important too. Joan Shaw, the wisest woman in our church, has said this over and over (I think I know where she got the idea). I want to be like her when I grow up. I'm just not very good at practicing this with pen on paper which is partially why I started a blog. I know I have already forgotten moments that I wish I would have written down over the last five months. It's been a little busy though. SO, before it's too late I am going to do some reflecting today. If you like picture books, this post will be right up your alley.
Five months ago today I was getting my hair done and looking forward to a boring weekend at home with the fam. While I was in the the check out line I got a text from Jeff and a phone call from Children's Division. Suddenly we were getting ready to bring a newborn home from the hospital the next day. I can write that without ALL CAPS five months later. I mean, what was the big deal? Less than 24 hours later we met this little girl.
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First time we laid eyes on her in that quiet hospital room. |
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Feeding L for the first time before we took her home. |
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Strapped in and coming home with us about 30 minutes after our introduction. |
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Taking a nap with Daddy C when we got home from the hospital. |
On that day I had no idea that she was going to be the sweetest baby I have ever known. I thought we may be buckling up for a wild ride of scary health issues and non-stop crying.
I also had no idea how amazing our own kids would be. I thought there would be a lot of emotional unrest while they got used to a baby being around. I can only say one thing about how it all actually turned out...God had mercy on us. All of us. God answered the prayers of many who were lifting us up during that time with a resounding yes, and we give Him praise. Our kids are nuts about her. She has brought out the most tender and caring parts of them. Don't get me wrong, they didn't get halos the day we brought her home (as highlighted in my last post), but there are moments that have made me stop and catch my breath. I have to share a few of those.
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The moment we got home with L and came upstairs, the girls wanted to sing Jesus Loves Me to her. So they did. It was precious. |
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This is supposed to say, "Have a lovable hugable day." |
Micah has probably amazed me the most. She has drawn out compassion in him that I didn't know existed. He has risen to the occasion of being a big foster brother. When she first came home with us we talked to the kids about how our job was just to love love love this baby. I told them that it was helping her little body and brain to heal and develop when we sing, talk to her, kiss her cheeks, hold her, and pray over her. Micah took me seriously. One day he was rubbing her head and talking to her when he looked up at me and said, "Is it working, Mom?" I said, "YES. You can't see it but her little brain is growing and going like fireworks right now. You are doing a great job."
One day he wanted me to read him a letter from her mommy that we had received. After much begging I gave in. He disappeared out of the kitchen as soon as I was done reading and I thought he wasn't really interested anymore. A few minutes later he came back in and said, "That letter makes me feel sad." "It is sad," I told him. He didn't have anything else to say about it, but he and Avery both seem to understand that she is with us because her mommy and daddy can't take care of her...and that is sad. They know that kids are supposed to be with their mommy and daddy. They love theirs, as imperfect as we are, and want L to be able to go home to hers. On some days they feel bad for her mommy when we have to take her home with us after a visit. They will pray for her randomly on days when my heart would like to harden towards her. They treat her with respect and call her by name. They acknowledge that she is L's mommy. At our first visit we had Micah give her a bouquet of flowers when we came in. I know that how our kids have treated her has made a significant impression on her and our caseworker.
Make no mistake, God uses kids.
In the beginning, both of the girls wanted to hold and feed her constantly. Their baby dolls became obsolete because they now had a REAL one to play with. Now that L is only ten pounds behind Ella and doesn't just lay there like a baby doll, the fascination is fading. There is no shortage of kisses though. I feel smothered on her behalf but she rarely seems to mind. Ella has happily turned in her "Baby of the Family" title. She has not been jealous at all and I am so proud of her. One night on our way out to meet with our church she said, "I'm so glad we have a fostuh baby." During the first couple of months she would tell just about everyone we met, "We have a fostuh baby!" People generally didn't get what she was saying without the "r" but they would smile at her anyway. It made my heart glad to know how proud she is of L.
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Side note: Ella loves wearing her "cabe." More commonly known as a cape or hooded towel. :) |
Avery was born for this. She has mastered mothering already, so this was the perfect occasion to use her expertise. We have to remind her that unless someone is willingly pretending with her, she is not anyone's mother. She herself has only been outside of the womb for 4 years but she is at least 24 in her own mind. She is stubborn as all get out sometimes, overly emotional at moments, but care taking is so natural and intuitive to her. It's amazing. She sees the best in others. Just this week when we were getting ready for L's visit with her mama Avery wanted to curl her hair. "I bet L's mom will think I look so pretty." L's mom didn't come to the visit and she got worried about her. She whispered in my ear, "Mommy, maybe she is sick. Tell ______(the caseworker) that she is sick." Bless her heart. I know that she is young and doesn't know what's going on, but I love her tender heart. She also said later that day, "L is the cutest baby ever. I just can't stop loving her!"
You should also know that L is rolling over, starting to eat cereal and putting her toes in her mouth these days. She is doing fantastic. She still spits up more than any baby I know, drools like crazy, and has the occasional blowout. She's just gotta keep up with Avery and Ella's 5+ wardrobe changes a day, ya know. She smiles a lot, is awake a lot more during the day now, and sleeping an average of 11 hours a night (bless the Lord, oh my soul). She is a super happy baby but when she does get mad that girl can scream. She will be heard if she wants to be heard. :)
As far as foster care is concerned, this story is not the norm. I have the utmost respect for those who say yes to babies and children who are struggling with health issues, trauma, neglect, and loss. You are amazing. May God strengthen you day by day. This is just the story God has given us. It has it's challenges and I feel maxed out on some days, but I am overwhelmed with God's kindness. I still don't know what the outcome will be here, but I am thankful for the privilege of being a part of L's story, and her mom and dad's.
We will keep doing our part and trust God with the rest.
So for now, just enjoy these toothless grins with us.
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2 months old at the St. Louis Project. |
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2 1/2 months old |
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4 1/2 months old....I'm BOOtiful. |
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